unit ads_Dialogs; {Copyright(c)2016 Advanced Delphi Systems Richard Maley Advanced Delphi Systems 12613 Maidens Bower Drive Potomac, MD 20854 USA phone 301-840-1554 dickmaley@advdelphisys.com The code herein can be used or modified by anyone. Please retain references to Richard Maley at Advanced Delphi Systems. If you make improvements to the code please send your improvements to dickmaley@advdelphisys.com so that the entire Delphi community can benefit. All comments are welcome. } (*UnitIndex Master Index Implementation Section Download Units
Description: ads_Dialogs.pas This unit contains the following routines.
Dialog_List DialogLookupList DlgLookup_ads Msg_Dlg RaiseError TForm1.Button1Click
*) interface Uses Forms, extctrls, Buttons, StdCtrls, Controls, SysUtils, Graphics, Dialogs, Classes; Function DlgLookup_ads( out sgReturn : String; out sgDisplay : String; sgCaption : String; sgDisplayList : String; sgReturnList : String; sgDefaultDisplay : String; inHeight : Integer; inWidth : Integer ): Boolean; {!~ Dialog_List Presents a list dialog. Returns a string with the selected values. The return string is equivalent to the text property of TStrings. If multiselect is enabled then the return string can contain multiple values, otherwise a single value. If the user presses cancel then the original list of Selected items is returned, otherwise the newly selected items are returned. sgCaption : Dialog caption. sgDisplayList : List of items to display as a string. Text property of TStrings. sgReturnList : List of items to return as a string. Text property of TStrings. The Display and Return lists can be the same or different. sgSelectedList : List of items that appear selected. The list is passed to this function as a string. The string is the same as the Text property of TStrings. boMultiSelect : A Boolean that controls whether multiselect is allowed or not. inHeight : An Integer that sets the height of the dialog window. inWidth : An Integer that sets the width of the dialog window. } Function Dialog_List( sgCaption : String; sgDisplayList : String; sgReturnList : String; sgSelectedList : String; boMultiSelect : Boolean; inHeight : Integer; inWidth : Integer ): String; {!~ DialogLookupList Presents a Lookup dialog. Returns True if the user selects an item and presses OK, otherwise False is returned. If True is returned then the ItemValue argument is set to the string value of the selected item and the ItemIndex argument is set to the ItemIndex in the Text StringList. This is a simple selection dialog, if more advanced features are required then use the Dialog_List function which offers much more control. Text : A string that is equivalent to the Text property in a TStringList. This string contains all of the items to be displayed in the Lookup list. var ItemValue : The default value to be displayed in the list. This is also used to return the item selected. var ItemIndex : The itemIndex of the default value. This is also used to return the ItemIndex of the value selected. Title : A string that contains the caption of the Lookup dialog. } Function DialogLookupList( Text : String; var ItemValue : String; var ItemIndex : Integer; Title : String): Boolean; {!~ Msg_Dlg This Message Dialog is exactly the same as MessageDlg provided in the delphi VCL except that there is one more parameter at the end for the dafault button. example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin If Msg_Dlg( 'This is my message', mtInformation, [mbYes,mbNo], 1, mbNo) = mrYes Then Begin ShowMessage('Yes'); End Else Begin ShowMessage('No'); End; end; } function Msg_Dlg( const Msg : String; DlgType : TMsgDlgType; Buttons : TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx : Longint; DefaultButton : TMsgDlgBtn ) : Integer; implementation Uses ads_Strg; const UnitName = 'ads_Dialogs'; RaiseErrors = True; Var ProcName : String; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Procedure RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName:String;E : Exception); Begin If RaiseErrors Then Raise Exception.Create(UnitName+'.'+Procname+' error: '+E.Message); End; {!~ DialogLookupList Presents a Lookup dialog. Returns True if the user selects an item and presses OK, otherwise False is returned. If True is returned then the ItemValue argument is set to the string value of the selected item and the ItemIndex argument is set to the ItemIndex in the Text StringList. This is a simple selection dialog, if more advanced features are required then use the Dialog_List function which offers much more control. Text : A string that is equivalent to the Text property in a TStringList. This string contains all of the items to be displayed in the Lookup list. var ItemValue : The default value to be displayed in the list. This is also used to return the item selected. var ItemIndex : The itemIndex of the default value. This is also used to return the ItemIndex of the value selected. Title : A string that contains the caption of the Lookup dialog. } //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Function DialogLookupList( Text : String; var ItemValue : String; var ItemIndex : Integer; Title : String): Boolean; Var frm : TForm; pnlTop : TPanel; pnlBottom : TPanel; pnlButtons : TPanel; lst : TListBox; btnOk : TBitBtn; btnCancel : TBitBtn; inCounter : Integer; inColEndPad: Integer; inWidth : Integer; inWidthMax : Integer; inItemValue: Integer; lab : TLabel; ProcName : String; begin Result := False; ProcName := 'DialogLookupList'; Try frm := TForm .Create(nil); pnlTop := TPanel .Create(nil); pnlBottom := TPanel .Create(nil); pnlButtons:= TPanel .Create(nil); lst := TListBox.Create(nil); btnOk := TBitBtn .Create(nil); btnCancel := TBitBtn .Create(nil); lab := TLabel .Create(nil); Try With frm Do Begin Caption := Title; Position := poScreenCenter; BorderIcons := []; BorderStyle := bsDialog; End; inColEndPad := 3; With pnlTop Do Begin Parent := frm; Caption := ' '; BorderStyle := bsNone; BevelOuter := bvNone; BevelInner := bvNone; BorderWidth := 5; Align := alClient; TabOrder := 0; End; With lst Do Begin Parent := pnlTop; BorderStyle := bsSingle; Align := alClient; Items .Clear; Hint := 'Click an item to select it.'; ShowHint := True; End; With lab Do Begin Parent := lst; Align := alNone; Anchors := [akLeft,akTop]; AutoSize := True; Caption := ''; Height := 13; Hint := ''; LayOut := tlTop; Left := 0; ShowHint := False; Top := 0; Visible := True; WordWrap := False; End; lst.Items.SetText(PChar(Text)); If lst.Items.Count = 0 Then Begin ItemValue := ''; ItemIndex := -1; Exit; End; ItemValue := ItemValue; If ItemIndex < 0 Then ItemIndex := -1; If ItemIndex > (lst.Items.Count - 1) Then ItemIndex := -1; inItemValue := lst.Items.IndexOf(ItemValue); If inItemValue <> -1 Then Begin lst.ItemIndex := inItemValue; End Else Begin If ItemIndex <> -1 Then Begin lst.ItemIndex := ItemIndex; End Else Begin lst.ItemIndex := 0; End; End; lst.Selected[lst.ItemIndex]; ItemValue := lst.Items[lst.ItemIndex]; ItemIndex := lst.ItemIndex; inWidthMax := 165; //Make sure that the title can be completely viewed lab.Font := frm.Font; lab.Caption := Title; inWidth := lab.Width; If inWidth > inWidthMax Then inWidthMax := inWidth; lab.Font := lst.Font; //Make sure that all list items can be completely viewed For inCounter := 0 To lst.Items.Count - 1 Do Begin lab.Caption := lst.Items[inCounter]; inWidth := lab.Width; If inWidth > inWidthMax Then Begin inWidthMax := inWidth; lst.ItemHeight := lab.Height; End; End; If inWidthMax > 165 Then inWidthMax := inWidthMax + 12; frm.Width := inWidthMax+inColEndPad+10; If frm.Width < 185 Then frm.Width := 185; If frm.Width > Screen.Width Then frm.Width := Screen.Width; frm.Height := 26+ //Control Bar 35+ //Buttons Panel 10+ //pnlTop BorderWidth (lst.Items.Count*lst.ItemHeight)+ 10; If frm.Height > Screen.Height Then frm.Height := Screen.Height; With pnlBottom Do Begin Parent := frm; Caption := ' '; BorderStyle := bsNone; BevelOuter := bvNone; BevelInner := bvNone; BorderWidth := 5; Height := 35; Align := alBottom; TabOrder := 1; End; With pnlButtons Do Begin Parent := pnlBottom; Align := alNone; BevelInner := bvNone; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderStyle := bsNone; BorderWidth := 0; Caption := ' '; Height := 35; Left := (pnlBottom.Width - pnlButtons.Width) div 2; TabOrder := 0; Top := 0; Width := 155; End; With btnOk Do Begin Parent := pnlButtons; Align := alNone; Anchors := [akTop,akLeft]; Default := True; Hint := 'Select the current item.'; Kind := bkOk; Left := 0; ShowHint := True; TabOrder := 0; Top := 5; Width := 75; End; With btnCancel Do Begin Parent := pnlButtons; Align := alNone; Anchors := [akTop,akLeft]; Default := False; Hint := 'Cancel all changes.'; Kind := bkCancel; Left := 80; ShowHint := True; TabOrder := 1; Top := 5; Width := 75; End; lst.Focused; pnlBottom.Align := alNone; pnlBottom.Align := alBottom; pnlButtons.Left := (pnlBottom.Width - pnlButtons.Width) div 2; lab.Visible := False; If frm.ShowModal = mrOK Then Begin ItemValue := lst.Items[lst.ItemIndex]; ItemIndex := lst.ItemIndex; Result := True; End; Finally btnOk .Free; btnCancel .Free; pnlButtons.Free; pnlBottom .Free; lab .Free; lst .Free; pnlTop .Free; frm .Free; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; {!~ Dialog_List Presents a list dialog. Returns a string with the selected values. The return string is equivalent to the text property of TStrings. If multiselect is enabled then the return string can contain multiple values, otherwise a single value. If the user presses cancel then the original list of Selected items is returned, otherwise the newly selected items are returned. sgCaption : Dialog caption. sgDisplayList : List of items to display as a string. Text property of TStrings. sgReturnList : List of items to return as a string. Text property of TStrings. The Display and Return lists can be the same or different. sgSelectedList : List of items that appear selected. The list is passed to this function as a string. The string is the same as the Text property of TStrings. boMultiSelect : A Boolean that controls whether multiselect is allowed or not. inHeight : An Integer that sets the height of the dialog window. inWidth : An Integer that sets the width of the dialog window. } //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Function Dialog_List( sgCaption : String; sgDisplayList : String; sgReturnList : String; sgSelectedList : String; boMultiSelect : Boolean; inHeight : Integer; inWidth : Integer ): String; Var ProcName : String; begin Result := ''; ProcName := 'DialogList'; Try Result := ads_Strg.DialogList( sgCaption , //sgCaption : String; sgDisplayList , //sgDisplayList : String; sgReturnList , //sgReturnList : String; sgSelectedList , //sgSelectedList : String; boMultiSelect , //boMultiSelect : Boolean; inHeight , //inHeight : Integer; inWidth //inWidth : Integer ); //): String; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; {!~ Msg_Dlg This Message Dialog is exactly the same as MessageDlg provided in the delphi VCL except that there is one more parameter at the end for the dafault button. example: //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin If Msg_Dlg( 'This is my message', mtInformation, [mbYes,mbNo], 1, mbNo) = mrYes Then Begin ShowMessage('Yes'); End Else Begin ShowMessage('No'); End; end; } //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
function Msg_Dlg( const Msg : String; DlgType : TMsgDlgType; Buttons : TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx : Longint; DefaultButton : TMsgDlgBtn ) : Integer; Var DefResult : TModalResult; frm_MsgDlg : TForm; i : Integer; X : Integer; Y : Integer; begin x := -1; Y := -1; DefResult := mrYes; If DefaultButton = mbYes Then DefResult := mrYes; If DefaultButton = mbNo Then DefResult := mrNo; If DefaultButton = mbOK Then DefResult := mrOK; If DefaultButton = mbCancel Then DefResult := mrCancel; If DefaultButton = mbAbort Then DefResult := mrAbort; If DefaultButton = mbRetry Then DefResult := mrRetry; If DefaultButton = mbIgnore Then DefResult := mrIgnore; If DefaultButton = mbAll Then DefResult := mrAll; frm_MsgDlg := CreateMessageDialog(Msg,DlgType,Buttons); Try With frm_MsgDlg Do Begin HelpContext := HelpCtx; If X >= 0 Then Left := X; If Y >= 0 Then Top := Y; If (Y < 0) and (X < 0) then Position := poScreenCenter; For i := 0 To ControlCount -1 Do Begin If Controls[i] is TButton Then Begin If TButton(Controls[i]).ModalResult = DefResult Then Begin TButton(Controls[i]).Default := True; ActiveControl := TButton(Controls[i]); End Else Begin TButton(Controls[i]).Default := False; End; End; End; result := frm_MsgDlg.ShowModal; End; Finally frm_MsgDlg.Free; End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Function DlgLookup_ads( out sgReturn : String; out sgDisplay : String; sgCaption : String; sgDisplayList : String; sgReturnList : String; sgDefaultDisplay : String; inHeight : Integer; inWidth : Integer ): Boolean; Var boMultiSelect : Boolean; sgResult : String; sgReturnBefore : String; sgDisplayBefore : String; sgReturnAfter : String; sgDisplayAfter : String; lstDisplayList : TStringList; lstReturnList : TStringList; inIndexBefore : Integer; inIndexAfter : Integer; Begin Result := False; ProcName := 'DlgLookup_ads'; Try boMultiSelect := False; lstDisplayList := TStringList.Create(); lstReturnList := TStringList.Create(); Try lstDisplayList.SetText(PChar(sgDisplayList)); lstReturnList .SetText(PChar(sgReturnList)); inIndexBefore := lstDisplayList.IndexOf(sgDefaultDisplay); If inIndexBefore <> -1 Then Begin sgDisplayBefore := lstDisplayList[inIndexBefore]; sgReturnBefore := lstReturnList [inIndexBefore]; End Else Begin sgDisplayBefore := ''; sgReturnBefore := ''; End; sgResult := Dialog_List( sgCaption , //sgCaption : String; sgDisplayList , //sgDisplayList : String; sgReturnList , //sgReturnList : String; sgDefaultDisplay, //sgSelectedList : String; boMultiSelect , // boMultiSelect : Boolean; inHeight , //inHeight : Integer; inWidth //inWidth : Integer );//): String; inIndexAfter := lstReturnList.IndexOf(sgResult); If inIndexAfter <> -1 Then Begin sgDisplayAfter := lstDisplayList[inIndexAfter]; sgReturnAfter := lstReturnList [inIndexAfter]; End Else Begin sgDisplayAfter := ''; sgReturnAfter := ''; End; If inIndexBefore = inIndexAfter Then Begin Result := False; sgReturn := sgReturnBefore; sgDisplay := sgDisplayBefore; End Else Begin Result := True; sgReturn := sgReturnAfter; sgDisplay := sgDisplayAfter; End; Finally lstDisplayList .Free; lstReturnList .Free; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; Initialization ProcName := 'Unknown'; end. //