unit ads_DlgDBFieldName; {Copyright(c)2016 Advanced Delphi Systems Richard Maley Advanced Delphi Systems 12613 Maidens Bower Drive Potomac, MD 20854 USA phone 301-840-1554 dickmaley@advdelphisys.com The code herein can be used or modified by anyone. Please retain references to Richard Maley at Advanced Delphi Systems. If you make improvements to the code please send your improvements to dickmaley@advdelphisys.com so that the entire Delphi community can benefit. All comments are welcome. } (*UnitIndex Master Index Implementation Section Download Units
Description: ads_DlgDBFieldName.pas This unit contains the following routines.
DlgDB_Tbl_Fld_Detail_ads DlgDBFieldName_ads DlgDBTableName_ads TFieldNameDlg_ads.AliasesClick TFieldNameDlg_ads.AliasTablesClick TFieldNameDlg_ads.AliasTablesClicker TFieldNameDlg_ads.ButtonCancelClick TFieldNameDlg_ads.ButtonOKClick TFieldNameDlg_ads.ButtonReSizer TFieldNameDlg_ads.DirectoryListBoxClick TFieldNameDlg_ads.DriveComboBoxChange TFieldNameDlg_ads.FieldsListBoxClick TFieldNameDlg_ads.FieldsListBoxClicker TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxChange TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxChanger TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxClick TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxDblClick TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxEnter TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormActivate TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormCreate TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormDestroy TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormResize TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetCenterFormLeft TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetCenterFormTop TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetDatabaseName TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetIsAlias TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetTableName TFieldNameDlg_ads.Loaded TFieldNameDlg_ads.OptionsClick TFieldNameDlg_ads.ReSizeAll TFieldNameDlg_ads.rg_OptionsClick TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetBevel TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetBevelCheck TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetBeveled TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetColorOfListBoxes TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetColorOfTableName TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetDatabaseName TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetDataFieldMode TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetIsAlias TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetMinFormHeight TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetMinFormWidth TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetReSizeNow TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetTableName TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetTitle
*) interface Function DlgDBTableName_ads( Var DatabaseName : String; {Database Name} Var TableName : String {Table Name} ): Boolean; Function DlgDBFieldName_ads( Var DatabaseName : String; {Database Name} Var TableName : String; {Table Name} Var DataField : String {Field Name} ): Boolean; Function DlgDB_Tbl_Fld_Detail_ads( Var DatabaseName : String; {Database Name} Var TableName : String; {Table Name} Var DataField : String; {Field Name} Var Title : String; {stores the Dialog Title} Var DataFieldMode : Boolean {True if this is a Datafield Dialog} ): Boolean; implementation Uses {$WARNINGS OFF}FileCtrl,{$WARNINGS ON} ads_Exception, ads_GraphicStrings, Buttons, Classes, Controls, DBCtrls, DBTables, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, Forms, Graphics, StdCtrls, SysUtils ; Var UnitName : String; ProcName : String; type TFieldNameDlg_ads = Class(TScrollingWinControl) Public Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); Override; Destructor Destroy; Override; Public PanelButtons: TPanel; PanelBaseSelected: TPanel; GroupBox5: TGroupBox; PanelLabel: TPanel; SelectedTable: TLabel; PanelSpacer: TPanel; rg_Options: TRadioGroup; Pages: TPanel; Page_Path: TPanel; PanelBaseFilesPlus: TPanel; PanelBaseDrive: TPanel; GroupBox3: TGroupBox; DriveComboBox: TDriveComboBox; PanelBaseFiles: TPanel; GroupBox2: TGroupBox; FileListBox: TFileListBox; PanelFileType: TPanel; GroupBox4: TGroupBox; FilterComboBox: TFilterComboBox; PanelBaseDir: TPanel; GroupBox1: TGroupBox; DirectoryListBox: TDirectoryListBox; Page_Aliases: TPanel; PanelTables: TPanel; GroupBoxTables: TGroupBox; AliasTables: TListBox; PanelAliases: TPanel; GroupBoxAliases: TGroupBox; Aliases: TListBox; PanelButtonSlider: TPanel; ButtonOK: TBitBtn; ButtonCancel: TBitBtn; FieldsBase1: TPanel; FieldsBase2: TPanel; GroupBoxFields: TGroupBox; FieldsListBox: TListBox; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); procedure DirectoryListBoxClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FileListBoxChange(Sender: TObject); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure AliasesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure AliasTablesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure rg_OptionsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure FieldsListBoxClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FileListBoxClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FileListBoxDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FileListBoxEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure DriveComboBoxChange(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } fDatabaseName : TFileName; fTableName : TFileName; FDataField : String; fIsAlias : Boolean; InStartup : Boolean; FColorOfListBoxes : TColor; FColorOfTableName : TColor; FTitle : String; {stores the Dialog Title} FBeveled : Boolean; {Selected panels have beveling if true} FButtonsReSize : Boolean; {Buttons resize if true} FButtonsAlignment : TAlignment; {taLeftJustify, taCenter, taRightJustify} FButtonWidth : Integer; {Sets Button Widths} FButtonSpacer : Integer; {Sets Button Spacer Width} FApplyChanges : Boolean; {True if changes should be made. = mrOk} FModal : Boolean; {True if Form is being shown modal} FIsComponent : Boolean; {True if Form is part of a component, False if Form is a standalone form, Default is False} FReSizeNow : Boolean; {Causes the form to resize when the property is set} FMinFormWidth : Integer; {Sets a Minimum FormWidth} FMinFormHeight : Integer; {Sets a Minimum FormHeight} FDialogComponentName : String; FDataFieldMode : Boolean; {True if this is a Datafield Dialog, False if TableName Dialog} procedure SetReSizeNow(Value : Boolean); procedure SetMinFormWidth(Value : Integer); procedure SetMinFormHeight(Value : Integer); procedure SetBeveled(Value : Boolean); function GetDatabaseName: TFileName; procedure SetDatabaseName(Value: TFileName); function GetTableName: TFileName; procedure SetTableName(Value: TFileName); function GetIsAlias: Boolean; procedure SetIsAlias(Value: Boolean); Procedure SetColorOfTableName(Value : TColor); Procedure SetColorOfListBoxes(Value : TColor); Function SetBevelCheck(PanelName : String): Boolean; procedure SetDataFieldMode(Value : Boolean); procedure SetTitle(Value: String); procedure FieldsListBoxClicker; procedure AliasTablesClicker; Function GetCenterFormLeft(FormWidth : Integer): Integer; Function GetCenterFormTop(FormHeight : Integer): Integer; procedure ButtonReSizer( ButtonBase : TPanel; ButtonSlider : TPanel; ButtonWidth : Integer; ButtonSpacer : Integer; ButtonsReSize : Boolean; ButtonsAlignment: TAlignment; Beveled : Boolean); public procedure Loaded; OverRide; procedure FileListBoxChanger; procedure ReSizeAll; procedure SetBevel; property IsComponent : Boolean Read FIsComponent Write FIsComponent; property ReSizeNow : Boolean Read FReSizeNow Write SetReSizeNow; { Public declarations } property IsAlias : Boolean read GetIsAlias write SetIsAlias; procedure OptionsClick(i : Integer); published { Published declarations } property DatabaseName : TFileName read GetDatabaseName write SetDatabaseName; property TableName : TFileName read GetTableName write SetTableName; property DataField : String read FDataField write FDataField; property ColorOfListBoxes : TColor Read FColorOfListBoxes Write SetColorOfListBoxes; property ColorOfTableName : TColor Read FColorOfTableName Write SetColorOfTableName; property Title : String {stores the Dialog Title} read FTitle write SetTitle; property Beveled : Boolean {Selected panels have beveling if true} Read FBeveled Write SetBeveled; property ButtonsReSize : Boolean {Buttons resize if true} Read FButtonsReSize Write FButtonsReSize; property ButtonsAlignment : TAlignment {taLeftJustify, taCenter, taRightJustify} Read FButtonsAlignment Write FButtonsAlignment; property ButtonWidth : Integer {Sets Button Widths} Read FButtonWidth Write FButtonWidth; property ButtonSpacer : Integer {Sets Button Spacer Width} Read FButtonSpacer Write FButtonSpacer; property ApplyChanges: Boolean {True if changes should be made. = mrOk} Read FApplyChanges Write FApplyChanges; property Modal : Boolean {True if Form is being shown modal} Read FModal Write FModal; property MinFormWidth : Integer {Sets the form's Minimum Width} Read FMinFormWidth Write SetMinFormWidth; property MinFormHeight : Integer {Sets the form's Minimum Height} Read FMinFormHeight Write SetMinFormHeight; property DialogComponentName : String {Used in messages to display the } Read FDialogComponentName {dialog component name} Write FDialogComponentName; property DataFieldMode : Boolean {True if this is a Datafield Dialog,} Read FDataFieldMode {False if TableName Dialog} Write SetDataFieldMode; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.ReSizeAll; Var W: Integer; Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.ReSizeAll'; Try If Width < MinFormWidth Then Width := MinFormWidth; If Height < MinFormHeight Then Height := MinFormHeight; ButtonReSizer( PanelButtons, {ButtonBase} PanelButtonSlider, {ButtonSlider} ButtonWidth, {ButtonWidth} ButtonSpacer, {ButtonSpacer} ButtonsReSize, {ButtonsReSize} ButtonsAlignment, {ButtonsAlignment} Beveled); {Beveled} If DataFieldMode Then Begin FieldsBase1.Width := Pages.Width div 3; End Else Begin FieldsBase1.Width := 0; End; W := (PanelAliases.Width + PanelTables.Width) div 2; PanelAliases.Width := W; PanelBaseFilesPlus.Width := W; Left := GetCenterFormLeft(Width); Top := GetCenterFormTop(Height); Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormCreate'; Try ShowHint := True; DataFieldMode := True; FDatabaseName := ''; FTableName := ''; FDataField := ''; DriveComboBox.Align := alClient; FilterComboBox.Align := alClient; Aliases.Items.Clear; AliasTables.Items.Clear; InStartup := True; ColorOfListBoxes := clWindow; ColorOfTableName := clBtnFace; Title := 'Select a Table';{stores the Dialog Title} Beveled := False; {Selected panels have beveling if true} ButtonsReSize := False; {Buttons resize if true} ButtonsAlignment := taRightJustify; {taLeftJustify, taCenter, taRightJustify} ButtonWidth := 75; {Sets Button Widths} ButtonSpacer := 10; {Sets Button Spacer Width} ApplyChanges := False; {True if changes should be made. = mrOk} Modal := True; {True if Form is being shown modal} IsComponent := False; {True if Form is part of a component, False if Form is a standalone form, Default is False} FMinFormWidth := 345; {Sets a Minimum FormWidth} FMinFormHeight := 361; {Sets a Minimum FormHeight} FDialogComponentName := 'TTableDialog_ads'; {Set bevel prior to resizing} SetBevel; {ReSize at the end of the create} ReSizeAll; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormResize'; Try ReSizeAll; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.DirectoryListBoxClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.DirectoryListBoxClick'; Try DirectoryListBox.Invalidate; SelectedTable.Invalidate; SelectedTable.Caption := DirectoryListBox.Directory; SelectedTable.Invalidate; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); Var I,J : Integer; begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormActivate'; Try Caption := Title; SetBevel; Left := GetCenterFormLeft(Width); Top := GetCenterFormTop(Height); ButtonOK.Enabled := False; SelectedTable.Caption := ''; IsAlias := True; Try Session.GetDatabaseNames(Aliases.Items); Except Raise Exception.Create('Unable to list the Database Aliases'); End; If DatabaseName = '' Then Begin If TableName = '' Then Begin IsAlias := True; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 0; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); End Else Begin IsAlias := False; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 1; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); Try J := 0; For I := 0 To FileListBox.Items.Count-1 Do Begin If UpperCase(FileListBox.Items[I]) = UpperCase(TableName) Then Begin Try FileListBox.FileName := DirectoryListBox.Directory+'\'+TableName; J := 1; Except End; End; End; If J = 1 Then Begin If DataFieldMode Then Begin DatabaseName := DirectoryListBox.Directory+'\'; End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := TableName; DatabaseName := DirectoryListBox.Directory+'\'; ButtonOK.Enabled := True; End; End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := ''; DatabaseName := ''; ButtonOK.Enabled := False; IsAlias := True; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 0; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); End; Except End; End; End Else Begin If TableName = '' Then Begin If (Pos(':',DatabaseName) > 0) or (Pos('\',DatabaseName) > 0) Then Begin IsAlias := False; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 1; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); Try DirectoryListBox.Directory := DatabaseName; Except End; End Else Begin IsAlias := True; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 0; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); For I := 0 To Aliases.Items.Count -1 Do Begin If UpperCase(Aliases.Items[I]) = UpperCase(DatabaseName) Then Begin Aliases.ItemIndex := I; AliasTables.items.Clear; If Aliases.itemIndex >= 0 then Begin Try Session.GetTableNames (Aliases.items[Aliases.itemIndex], '',true,true,AliasTables.items); Except End; End; Break; End; End; End; End Else Begin If (Pos(':',DatabaseName) > 0) or (Pos('\',DatabaseName) > 0) Then Begin IsAlias := False; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 1; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); Try DirectoryListBox.Directory := DatabaseName; If Copy(DatabaseName,Length(DatabaseName),1)='\' Then Begin FileListBox.FileName := DatabaseName+TableName; End Else Begin FileListBox.FileName := DatabaseName+'\'+TableName; End; If Not (FileListBox.FileName = '') Then Begin If DataFieldMode Then Begin InStartUp := False; FileListBoxChanger; InStartUp := True; If Not (FieldsListBox.Items.IndexOf(DataField) = -1) Then Begin FieldsListBox.ItemIndex := FieldsListBox.Items.IndexOf(DataField); FieldsListBoxClick(Sender); End; End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := TableName; ButtonOK.Enabled := True; End; End; Except End; End Else Begin IsAlias := True; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 0; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); For I := 0 To Aliases.Items.Count -1 Do Begin If UpperCase(Aliases.Items[I]) = UpperCase(DatabaseName) Then Begin Aliases.ItemIndex := I; AliasTables.items.Clear; If Aliases.itemIndex >= 0 then Begin Try Session.GetTableNames (Aliases.items[Aliases.itemIndex], '',true,true,AliasTables.items); For J := 0 To AliasTables.Items.Count -1 Do Begin If UpperCase(AliasTables.Items[J]) = UpperCase(TableName) Then Begin AliasTables.ItemIndex := J; If DataFieldMode Then Begin AliasTablesClick(Sender); If Not (FieldsListBox.Items.IndexOf(DataField) = -1) Then Begin FieldsListBox.ItemIndex := FieldsListBox.Items.IndexOf(DataField); FieldsListBoxClick(Sender); End; End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := TableName; ButtonOK.Enabled := True; End; End; End; Except End; End; Break; End; End; End; End; End; InStartup := False; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
function TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetDatabaseName: TFileName; begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetDatabaseName'; Try Result := FDatabaseName; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetDatabaseName(Value : TFileName); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetDatabaseName'; Try FDatabaseName := Value; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
function TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetTableName: TFileName; begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetTableName'; Try Result := FTableName; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetTableName(Value : TFileName); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetTableName'; Try FTableName := Value; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
function TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetIsAlias: Boolean; begin Result := False; ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetIsAlias'; Try Result := FIsAlias; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetIsAlias(Value : Boolean); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetIsAlias'; Try FIsAlias := Value; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.ButtonCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.ButtonCancelClick'; Try ApplyChanges := False; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.rg_OptionsClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.rg_OptionsClick'; Try OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.OptionsClick(i : Integer); Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.OptionsClick'; Try If i = 0 Then Begin If Assigned(Page_Aliases) Then Page_Aliases.BringToFront; If Assigned(Page_Path) Then Page_Path.SendToBack; If Not InStartUp Then Begin If Assigned(DirectoryListBox) Then DatabaseName := DirectoryListBox.Directory+'\'; If Assigned(FileListBox) Then FileListBox.ItemIndex := -1; TableName := ''; If Assigned(FieldsListBox) Then FieldsListBox.Items.Clear; DataField := ''; SelectedTable.Caption := ''; End; End Else Begin Page_Aliases.SendToBack; Page_Path.BringToFront; If Not InStartUp Then Begin Aliases.ItemIndex := -1; DatabaseName := ''; AliasTables.Items.Clear; TableName := ''; FieldsListBox.Items.Clear; DataField := ''; SelectedTable.Caption := ''; End; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.ButtonOKClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.ButtonOKClick'; Try ApplyChanges := True; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetBevel; Var i : Integer; Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetBevel'; Try If Not Beveled Then Begin For I := 0 to ComponentCount -1 Do Begin If Components[I] is TPanel Then Begin If SetBevelCheck(TPanel(Components[I]).Name) Then Begin TPanel(Components[I]).BevelOuter := bvNone; TPanel(Components[I]).BevelInner := bvNone; End; End; End; End Else Begin For I := 0 to ComponentCount -1 Do Begin If Components[I] is TPanel Then Begin If SetBevelCheck(TPanel(Components[I]).Name) Then Begin TPanel(Components[I]).BevelOuter := bvRaised; TPanel(Components[I]).BevelInner := bvLowered; End; End; End; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Function TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetBevelCheck(PanelName : String): Boolean; Begin Result := True; ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetBevelCheck'; Try {Test for or identify those panels that you do not want to change beveling. If PanelName is a panel you don't want to change set result to false. } {example: If PanelName = 'MasterPanel' Then Begin Result := False; Exit; End; } If PanelName = 'PanelButtonSlider' Then Begin Result := False; Exit; End; If PanelName = 'PanelLabel' Then Begin Result := False; Exit; End; If PanelName = 'PanelSpacer' Then Begin Result := False; Exit; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetColorOfTableName(Value : TColor); Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetColorOfTableName'; Try FColorOfTableName := Value; SelectedTable.Color := Value; PanelSpacer.Color := Value; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetColorOfListBoxes(Value : TColor); Var I : Integer; Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetColorOfListBoxes'; Try FColorOfListBoxes := Value; For I := 0 To ComponentCount -1 Do Begin If (Components[I] is TListBox) Then Begin TListBox(Components[I]).Color := Value; End; DriveComboBox.Color := Value; FileListBox.Color := Value; DirectoryListBox.Color := Value; FilterComboBox.Color := Value; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetBeveled(Value : Boolean); Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetBeveled'; Try FBeveled := Value; SetBevel; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetReSizeNow(Value : Boolean); Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetReSizeNow'; Try ReSizeAll; FReSizeNow := Value; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetMinFormWidth(Value : Integer); Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetMinFormWidth'; Try If FMinFormWidth <> Value Then FMinFormWidth := Value; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetMinFormHeight(Value : Integer); Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetMinFormHeight'; Try If FMinFormHeight <> Value Then FMinFormHeight := Value; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.FormDestroy'; Try Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.AliasesClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.AliasesClick'; Try AliasTables.items.Clear; If Aliases.itemIndex >= 0 Then Begin Session.GetTableNames (Aliases.items[Aliases.itemIndex], '',true,true,AliasTables.items); FieldsListBox.Items.Clear; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.AliasTablesClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.AliasTablesClick'; Try AliasTablesClicker; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.AliasTablesClicker; Var Table : TTable; begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.AliasTablesClicker'; Try If DataFieldMode Then Begin Table := TTable.Create(nil); Try FieldsListBox.Items.Clear; If AliasTables.ItemIndex >= 0 Then Begin Table.DatabaseName := Aliases.Items[Aliases.itemIndex]; Table.TableName := AliasTables.Items[AliasTables.ItemIndex]; Table.Active := True; Table.GetFieldNames(FieldsListBox.Items); End; DatabaseName := Aliases.items[Aliases.itemIndex]; TableName := AliasTables.items[AliasTables.itemIndex]; Finally Table.Free; End; End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := AliasTables.Items[AliasTables.ItemIndex]; DatabaseName := Aliases.items[Aliases.itemIndex]; TableName := AliasTables.items[AliasTables.itemIndex]; ButtonOK.Enabled := True; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FieldsListBoxClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.FieldsListBoxClick'; Try FieldsListBoxClicker; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxChange(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxChange'; Try FileListBoxChanger; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetDataFieldMode(Value : Boolean); Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetDataFieldMode'; Try If FDataFieldMode <> Value Then Begin FDataFieldMode := Value; FieldsBase1.Visible := FDataFieldMode; If FDataFieldMode Then Begin GroupBox5.Caption := 'Field Name'; Title := 'Field Selection Dialog'; ButtonCancel.Hint := 'Close this window without selecting a Field.'; ButtonOk.Hint := 'Accept the current Field Name'; End Else Begin GroupBox5.Caption := 'Table Name'; Title := 'Table Selection Dialog'; ButtonCancel.Hint := 'Close this window without selecting a Table.'; ButtonOk.Hint := 'Accept the current Table Name'; End; ReSizeAll; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetTitle(Value: String); Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.SetTitle'; Try If FTitle <> Value Then Begin FTitle := Value; Caption := Title; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxClick'; Try FileListBoxEnter(Sender); FileListBoxChanger; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxDblClick'; Try FileListBoxEnter(Sender); FileListBoxChanger; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxChanger; Var FullPath : String; PathString : String; TableString: String; TableExtn : String; Table : TTable; begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxChanger'; Try If InStartup Then Exit; If DataFieldMode Then Begin Table := TTable.Create(nil); Try FullPath := FileListBox.FileName; PathString := ExtractFilePath(FullPath); TableString := ExtractFileName(FullPath); TableExtn := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(TableString)); If TableExtn = '.TXT' Then Begin If Not FileExists(Copy(TableString,1,Length(TableString)-3)+'sch') Then Begin If FileListBox.Tag = 0 Then Begin ShowMessage('This is not a valid text table.'); FileListBox.Tag := 1; End; Exit; End; End; If Not (TableString = '') Then Begin SelectedTable.Caption := ''; ButtonOK.Enabled := False; DatabaseName := PathString; TableName := TableString; FieldsListBox.Items.Clear; Table.DatabaseName := DatabaseName; Table.TableName := TableName; Table.Active := True; Table.GetFieldNames(FieldsListBox.Items); End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := ''; ButtonOK.Enabled := False; DatabaseName := ''; TableName := ''; End; Finally Table.Free; End; End Else Begin FullPath := FileListBox.FileName; PathString := ExtractFilePath(FullPath); TableString := ExtractFileName(FullPath); TableExtn := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(TableString)); If TableExtn = '.TXT' Then Begin If Not FileExists(Copy(TableString,1,Length(TableString)-3)+'sch') Then Begin If FileListBox.Tag = 0 Then Begin ShowMessage('This is not a valid text table.'); FileListBox.Tag := 1; End; Exit; End; End; If Not (TableString = '') Then Begin SelectedTable.Caption := TableString; ButtonOK.Enabled := True; FDatabaseName := PathString; FTableName := TableString; End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := ''; ButtonOK.Enabled := False; FDatabaseName := ''; FTableName := ''; End; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.Loaded; Var I,J : Integer; begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.Loaded'; Try If IsComponent Then Begin {} End Else Begin Caption := Title; {stores the Dialog Title} SetBevel; Left := GetCenterFormLeft(Width); Top := GetCenterFormTop(Height); End; ButtonOK.Enabled := False; SelectedTable.Caption := ''; IsAlias := True; Try Session.GetDatabaseNames(Aliases.Items); Except Raise Exception.Create('Unable to list the Database Aliases'); End; If DatabaseName = '' Then Begin If TableName = '' Then Begin {No Default was set} IsAlias := True; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 0; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); End Else Begin {Implies Table in current directory} IsAlias := False; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 1; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); Try {Before setting FileListBox.FileName I am going to check to see if the file exists and potentially avoid an error} J := 0; For I := 0 To FileListBox.Items.Count-1 Do Begin If UpperCase(FileListBox.Items[I]) = UpperCase(TableName) Then Begin Try FileListBox.FileName := DirectoryListBox.Directory+'\'+TableName; J := 1; Except End; End; End; If J = 1 Then Begin If DataFieldMode Then Begin DatabaseName := DirectoryListBox.Directory+'\'; End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := TableName; DatabaseName := DirectoryListBox.Directory+'\'; ButtonOK.Enabled := True; End; End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := ''; DatabaseName := ''; ButtonOK.Enabled := False; IsAlias := True; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 0; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); End; Except End; End; End Else Begin If TableName = '' Then Begin {DatabaseName was set but no TableName was provided} {??? Don't know if the DatabaseName is an alias or a path} If (Pos(':',DatabaseName) > 0) or (Pos('\',DatabaseName) > 0) Then Begin {This is a path DatabaseName} IsAlias := False; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 1; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); Try DirectoryListBox.Directory := DatabaseName; Except End; End Else Begin {This is an alias DatabaseName} IsAlias := True; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 0; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); For I := 0 To Aliases.Items.Count -1 Do Begin If UpperCase(Aliases.Items[I]) = UpperCase(DatabaseName) Then Begin Aliases.ItemIndex := I; AliasTables.items.Clear; If Aliases.itemIndex >= 0 then Begin Try Session.GetTableNames (Aliases.items[Aliases.itemIndex], '',true,true,AliasTables.items); Except End; End; Break; End; End; End; End Else Begin {DatabaseName and TableName were provided} {??? Don't know if the DatabaseName is an alias or a path} If (Pos(':',DatabaseName) > 0) or (Pos('\',DatabaseName) > 0) Then Begin {This is a path DatabaseName} IsAlias := False; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 1; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); Try DirectoryListBox.Directory := DatabaseName; If Copy(DatabaseName,Length(DatabaseName),1)='\' Then Begin FileListBox.FileName := DatabaseName+TableName; End Else Begin FileListBox.FileName := DatabaseName+'\'+TableName; End; If Not (FileListBox.FileName = '') Then Begin If DataFieldMode Then Begin InStartUp := False; FileListBoxChanger; InStartUp := True; If Not (FieldsListBox.Items.IndexOf(DataField) = -1) Then Begin FieldsListBox.ItemIndex := FieldsListBox.Items.IndexOf(DataField); FieldsListBoxClicker; End; End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := TableName; ButtonOK.Enabled := True; End; End; Except End; End Else Begin {This is an alias DatabaseName} IsAlias := True; rg_Options.ItemIndex := 0; OptionsClick(rg_Options.ItemIndex); For I := 0 To Aliases.Items.Count -1 Do Begin If UpperCase(Aliases.Items[I]) = UpperCase(DatabaseName) Then Begin Aliases.ItemIndex := I; AliasTables.items.Clear; If Aliases.itemIndex >= 0 then Begin Try Session.GetTableNames (Aliases.items[Aliases.itemIndex], '',true,true,AliasTables.items); For J := 0 To AliasTables.Items.Count -1 Do Begin If UpperCase(AliasTables.Items[J]) = UpperCase(TableName) Then Begin AliasTables.ItemIndex := J; If DataFieldMode Then Begin AliasTablesClicker; If Not (FieldsListBox.Items.IndexOf(DataField) = -1) Then Begin FieldsListBox.ItemIndex := FieldsListBox.Items.IndexOf(DataField); FieldsListBoxClicker; End; End Else Begin SelectedTable.Caption := TableName; ButtonOK.Enabled := True; End; End; End; Except End; End; Break; End; End; End; End; End; Refresh; InStartup := False; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.ButtonReSizer( ButtonBase : TPanel; ButtonSlider : TPanel; ButtonWidth : Integer; ButtonSpacer : Integer; ButtonsReSize : Boolean; ButtonsAlignment: TAlignment; Beveled : Boolean); Var MinFormWidth : Integer; NButtons : Integer; i : Integer; NSpacers : Integer; SpacerWidth : Integer; SpacersWidth : Integer; W : Integer; LeftPos : Integer; Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.ButtonReSizer'; Try NButtons := ButtonSlider.ControlCount; If ButtonSpacer > 0 Then Begin SpacerWidth := ButtonSpacer; NSpacers := NButtons +1; SpacersWidth := ButtonSpacer * NSpacers; End Else Begin SpacerWidth := 0; SpacersWidth:= 0; End; MinFormWidth := SpacersWidth + (NButtons * ButtonWidth) + (ButtonBase.BorderWidth * 2) + (ButtonBase.BevelWidth * 4) + 25; Try If ButtonBase.Parent is TForm Then Begin If ButtonBase.Parent.Width < MinFormWidth Then Begin ButtonBase.Parent.Width := MinFormWidth; End; End Else Begin Try If ButtonBase.Parent.Parent is TForm Then Begin If ButtonBase.Parent.Parent.Width < MinFormWidth Then Begin ButtonBase.Parent.Parent.Width := MinFormWidth; End; End Else Begin Try If ButtonBase.Parent.Parent.Parent is TForm Then Begin If ButtonBase.Parent.Parent.Parent.Width < MinFormWidth Then Begin ButtonBase.Parent.Parent.Parent.Width := MinFormWidth; End; End Else Begin Try If ButtonBase.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent is TForm Then Begin If ButtonBase.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Width < MinFormWidth Then Begin ButtonBase.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Width := MinFormWidth; End; End Else Begin {Not going to set a minimum form width} End; Except End; End; Except End; End; Except End; End; Except End; If Beveled Then Begin ButtonBase.Height := (ButtonBase.BorderWidth * 2) + (ButtonBase.BevelWidth * 4) + 2 {for borderStyle} + 25 {for standard button height} + 3; End else Begin ButtonBase.Height := (ButtonBase.BorderWidth * 2) + 25 {for standard button height} + 4; End; If ButtonsReSize Then Begin Buttonslider.Align := alClient; W := (Buttonslider.Width - SpacersWidth) div NButtons; LeftPos := SpacerWidth; For i := 0 To NButtons - 1 Do Begin ButtonSlider.Controls[i].Align := alNone; ButtonSlider.Controls[i].Top := 0; ButtonSlider.Controls[i].Height := 25; ButtonSlider.Controls[i].Width := W; ButtonSlider.Controls[i].Left := LeftPos; LeftPos := LeftPos + W + SpacerWidth; End; End Else Begin ButtonSlider.Align := alNone; If Beveled Then Begin ButtonSlider.Top := ButtonBase.BorderWidth + (ButtonBase.BevelWidth * 2)+ 1 + {For BorderStyle} 0; {For Margin} End Else Begin ButtonSlider.Top := ButtonBase.BorderWidth + 1; {For Margin} End; ButtonSlider.Height := 25; ButtonSlider.Width := SpacersWidth + (NButtons * ButtonWidth); If (Not Beveled) Then Begin {Align totally left with not leftmost spacer} If ButtonsAlignment = taLeftJustify Then Begin LeftPos := 0; End Else Begin If ButtonsAlignment = taRightJustify Then Begin {Align totally Right with not rightmost spacer} LeftPos := 2 * SpacerWidth; End Else Begin LeftPos := SpacerWidth; End; End; End Else Begin LeftPos := SpacerWidth; End; For i := 0 To NButtons - 1 Do Begin ButtonSlider.Controls[i].Align := alNone; ButtonSlider.Controls[i].Top := 0; ButtonSlider.Controls[i].Height := 25; ButtonSlider.Controls[i].Width := ButtonWidth; ButtonSlider.Controls[i].Left := LeftPos; LeftPos := LeftPos + ButtonWidth+ SpacerWidth; End; If ButtonsAlignment = taLeftJustify Then ButtonSlider.Align := alLeft; If ButtonsAlignment = taRightJustify Then ButtonSlider.Align := alRight; If ButtonsAlignment = taCenter Then Begin ButtonSlider.Align := alNone; ButtonSlider.Left := (ButtonBase.Width - ButtonSlider.Width) div 2; End; End; ButtonBase.Refresh; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FieldsListBoxClicker; begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.FieldsListBoxClicker'; Try DataField := FieldsListBox.items[FieldsListBox.itemIndex]; SelectedTable.Caption := DataField; ButtonOK.Enabled := True; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Function TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetCenterFormLeft(FormWidth : Integer): Integer; Begin Result := 614; ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetCenterFormLeft'; Try If Screen.Width < FormWidth Then Begin Result := Screen.Width-26; End Else Begin Result := (Screen.Width - FormWidth) div 2; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Function TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetCenterFormTop(FormHeight : Integer): Integer; Begin Result := 454; ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.GetCenterFormTop'; Try If Screen.Height < FormHeight Then Begin Result := Screen.Height-26; End Else Begin Result := (Screen.Height - FormHeight) div 2; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.FileListBoxEnter(Sender: TObject); begin FileListBox.Tag := 0; end; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
procedure TFieldNameDlg_ads.DriveComboBoxChange(Sender: TObject); begin DirectoryListBox.Drive := DriveComboBox.Drive; end; Constructor TFieldNameDlg_ads.Create(AOwner: TComponent); Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.Create'; Try inherited; Self.Parent := TWincontrol(AOwner); PanelButtons := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelButtons Do Begin Parent := Self; Left := 0; Top := 305; Width := 571; Height := 41; Align := alBottom; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 0; End; PanelButtonSlider := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelButtonSlider Do Begin Parent := PanelButtons; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 563; Height := 33; Align := alClient; BevelOuter := bvNone; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 0; End; ButtonOK := TBitBtn.Create(AOwner); With ButtonOK Do Begin Parent := PanelButtonSlider; Left := 387; Top := 0; Width := 75; Height := 27; Hint := 'Accept the current Table Name'; TabOrder := 0; OnClick := ButtonOKClick; Kind := bkOK; End; ButtonCancel := TBitBtn.Create(AOwner); With ButtonCancel Do Begin Parent := PanelButtonSlider; Left := 471; Top := -1; Width := 75; Height := 27; Hint := 'Close this window without selecting a table.'; TabOrder := 1; OnClick := ButtonCancelClick; Kind := bkCancel; End; PanelBaseSelected := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelBaseSelected Do Begin Parent := Self; Left := 0; Top := 0; Width := 571; Height := 57; Align := alTop; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 1; End; GroupBox5 := TGroupBox.Create(AOwner); With GroupBox5 Do Begin Parent := PanelBaseSelected; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 438; Height := 49; Align := alClient; Caption := 'Field Name'; TabOrder := 0; End; PanelLabel := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelLabel Do Begin Parent := GroupBox5; Left := 18; Top := 18; Width := 418; Height := 29; Align := alClient; BevelOuter := bvNone; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 0; End; SelectedTable := TLabel.Create(AOwner); With SelectedTable Do Begin Parent := PanelLabel; Left := 0; Top := 0; Width := 418; Height := 29; Align := alClient; AutoSize := False; Color := clBtnFace; ParentColor := False; End; PanelSpacer := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelSpacer Do Begin Parent := GroupBox5; Left := 2; Top := 18; Width := 16; Height := 29; Align := alLeft; BevelOuter := bvNone; Caption := ' '; TabOrder := 1; End; rg_Options := TRadioGroup.Create(AOwner); With rg_Options Do Begin Parent := PanelBaseSelected; Left := 442; Top := 4; Width := 125; Height := 49; Align := alRight; Caption := 'Select Table by'; Columns := 2; TabOrder := 1; OnClick := rg_OptionsClick; Items.Clear; With Items Do Begin Try Add('Alias'); Except End; Try Add('Path'); Except End; End; ItemIndex := 0; End; Pages := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With Pages Do Begin Parent := Self; Left := 0; Top := 57; Width := 571; Height := 248; Align := alClient; BevelOuter := bvNone; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 2; End; Page_Path := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With Page_Path Do Begin Parent := Pages; Left := 0; Top := 0; Width := 381; Height := 248; Align := alClient; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 1; End; PanelBaseFilesPlus := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelBaseFilesPlus Do Begin Parent := Page_Path; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 182; Height := 240; Align := alLeft; BevelOuter := bvNone; Caption := 'PanelBaseFilesPlus'; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 0; End; PanelBaseDrive := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelBaseDrive Do Begin Parent := PanelBaseFilesPlus; Left := 0; Top := 0; Width := 182; Height := 58; Align := alTop; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 0; End; GroupBox3 := TGroupBox.Create(AOwner); With GroupBox3 Do Begin Parent := PanelBaseDrive; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 174; Height := 50; Align := alClient; Caption := 'Drives'; TabOrder := 0; End; DriveComboBox := TDriveComboBox.Create(AOwner); With DriveComboBox Do Begin Parent := GroupBox3; Left := 6; Top := 19; Width := 206; Height := 22; Hint := 'Click on a drive to select it.'; DirList := DirectoryListBox; TabOrder := 0; OnChange := DriveComboBoxChange; End; PanelBaseFiles := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelBaseFiles Do Begin Parent := PanelBaseFilesPlus; Left := 0; Top := 58; Width := 182; Height := 124; Align := alClient; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 1; End; GroupBox2 := TGroupBox.Create(AOwner); With GroupBox2 Do Begin Parent := PanelBaseFiles; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 174; Height := 116; Align := alClient; Caption := 'Files'; TabOrder := 0; End; FileListBox := TFileListBox.Create(AOwner); With FileListBox Do Begin Parent := GroupBox2; Left := 2; Top := 18; Width := 170; Height := 96; Hint := 'Click on a table name to select it.'; Align := alClient; ItemHeight := 16; Mask := '*.db;*.dbf;*.txt;'; TabOrder := 0; OnChange := FileListBoxChange; OnClick := FileListBoxClick; OnDblClick := FileListBoxDblClick; OnEnter := FileListBoxEnter; OnExit := FileListBoxEnter; End; PanelFileType := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelFileType Do Begin Parent := PanelBaseFilesPlus; Left := 0; Top := 182; Width := 182; Height := 58; Align := alBottom; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 2; End; GroupBox4 := TGroupBox.Create(AOwner); With GroupBox4 Do Begin Parent := PanelFileType; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 174; Height := 50; Align := alClient; Caption := 'File Type'; TabOrder := 0; End; FilterComboBox := TFilterComboBox.Create(AOwner); With FilterComboBox Do Begin Parent := GroupBox4; Left := 0; Top := 19; Width := 212; Height := 24; Hint := 'Choose the tables to display.'; FileList := FileListBox; Filter := 'All Tables|*.db;*.dbf;*.txt;*.xml;*.cds|'+ 'ClientDataSet Tables|*.cds;*.xml|'+ 'DBase Tables|*.dbf|'+ 'Paradox Tables|*.db|'+ 'Text Tables|*.txt|'+ 'XML Tables|*.xml'; TabOrder := 0; End; PanelBaseDir := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelBaseDir Do Begin Parent := Page_Path; Left := 186; Top := 4; Width := 191; Height := 240; Align := alClient; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 1; End; GroupBox1 := TGroupBox.Create(AOwner); With GroupBox1 Do Begin Parent := PanelBaseDir; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 183; Height := 232; Align := alClient; Caption := 'Directories'; TabOrder := 0; End; DirectoryListBox := TDirectoryListBox.Create(AOwner); With DirectoryListBox Do Begin Parent := GroupBox1; Left := 2; Top := 18; Width := 179; Height := 212; Hint := 'Doubleclick on a directory to open it.'; Align := alClient; FileList := FileListBox; ItemHeight := 16; TabOrder := 0; End; Page_Aliases := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With Page_Aliases Do Begin Parent := Pages; Left := 0; Top := 0; Width := 381; Height := 248; Align := alClient; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 0; End; PanelTables := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelTables Do Begin Parent := Page_Aliases; Left := 188; Top := 4; Width := 189; Height := 240; Align := alClient; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 1; End; GroupBoxTables := TGroupBox.Create(AOwner); With GroupBoxTables Do Begin Parent := PanelTables; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 181; Height := 232; Align := alClient; Caption := 'Tables'; TabOrder := 0; End; AliasTables := TListBox.Create(AOwner); With AliasTables Do Begin Parent := GroupBoxTables; Left := 2; Top := 18; Width := 177; Height := 212; Hint := 'Click on a table to select it.'; Align := alClient; ItemHeight := 16; Sorted := True; TabOrder := 0; OnClick := AliasTablesClick; End; PanelAliases := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With PanelAliases Do Begin Parent := Page_Aliases; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 184; Height := 240; Align := alLeft; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 0; End; GroupBoxAliases := TGroupBox.Create(AOwner); With GroupBoxAliases Do Begin Parent := PanelAliases; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 176; Height := 232; Align := alClient; Caption := 'Aliases'; TabOrder := 0; End; Aliases := TListBox.Create(AOwner); With Aliases Do Begin Parent := GroupBoxAliases; Left := 2; Top := 18; Width := 172; Height := 212; Hint := 'Click on an alias to select it.'; Align := alClient; ItemHeight := 16; TabOrder := 0; OnClick := AliasesClick; End; FieldsBase1 := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With FieldsBase1 Do Begin Parent := Pages; Left := 381; Top := 0; Width := 190; Height := 248; Align := alRight; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 2; End; FieldsBase2 := TPanel.Create(AOwner); With FieldsBase2 Do Begin Parent := FieldsBase1; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 182; Height := 240; Align := alClient; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderWidth := 4; Caption := ' '; ParentColor := True; TabOrder := 0; End; GroupBoxFields := TGroupBox.Create(AOwner); With GroupBoxFields Do Begin Parent := FieldsBase2; Left := 4; Top := 4; Width := 174; Height := 232; Align := alClient; Caption := 'Fields'; TabOrder := 0; End; FieldsListBox := TListBox.Create(AOwner); With FieldsListBox Do Begin Parent := GroupBoxFields; Left := 2; Top := 18; Width := 170; Height := 212; Hint := 'Click on a field to select it.'; Align := alClient; ItemHeight := 16; TabOrder := 0; OnClick := FieldsListBoxClick; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; Destructor TFieldNameDlg_ads.Destroy; Begin ProcName := 'TFieldNameDlg_ads.Destroy'; Try FieldsListBox .Free; GroupBoxFields .Free; FieldsBase2 .Free; FieldsBase1 .Free; Aliases .Free; GroupBoxAliases .Free; PanelAliases .Free; AliasTables .Free; GroupBoxTables .Free; PanelTables .Free; Page_Aliases .Free; DirectoryListBox .Free; GroupBox1 .Free; PanelBaseDir .Free; FilterComboBox .Free; GroupBox4 .Free; PanelFileType .Free; FileListBox .Free; GroupBox2 .Free; PanelBaseFiles .Free; DriveComboBox .Free; GroupBox3 .Free; PanelBaseDrive .Free; PanelBaseFilesPlus.Free; Page_Path .Free; Pages .Free; rg_Options .Free; PanelSpacer .Free; SelectedTable .Free; PanelLabel .Free; GroupBox5 .Free; PanelBaseSelected .Free; ButtonCancel .Free; ButtonOK .Free; PanelButtonSlider .Free; PanelButtons .Free; inherited Destroy; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Function DlgDB_Tbl_Fld_Detail_ads( Var DatabaseName : String; {Database Name} Var TableName : String; {Table Name} Var DataField : String; {Field Name} Var Title : String; {stores the Dialog Title} Var DataFieldMode : Boolean {True if this is a Datafield Dialog} ): Boolean; Var Dialog : TForm; Form : TFieldNameDlg_ads; Begin Result := False; Dialog := nil; ProcName := 'DlgDBFieldName_ads'; Try Try Dialog := TForm.Create(nil); Form := TFieldNameDlg_ads.Create(Dialog); Form.Parent:= Dialog; Form.Align := alClient; With Dialog Do Begin Left := 367; Top := 209; Width := 579; Height := 373; BorderIcons := [biMaximize]; Caption := 'Select a Field'; Color := clBtnFace; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Height := -14; Font.Name := 'System'; Font.Style := []; OldCreateOrder := True; Position := poScreenCenter; OnActivate := Form.FormActivate; OnCreate := Form.FormCreate; OnDestroy := Form.FormDestroy; OnResize := Form.FormResize; PixelsPerInch := 96; End; Form.FormCreate(Dialog); Form.DatabaseName := DatabaseName; {Database Name} Form.TableName := TableName; {Table Name} Form.DataField := DataField; {Field Name} Dialog.Caption := Title; {stores the Dialog Title} Form.DataFieldMode := DataFieldMode; {True if this is a Datafield Dialog} Form.Show; Dialog.ShowModal; If Dialog.ModalResult = mrOK Then Begin //Do Something here Result := True; DatabaseName := Form.DatabaseName; {Database Name} TableName := Form.TableName; {Table Name} If DataFieldMode Then Begin DataField := Form.DataField; {Field Name} End Else Begin DataField := ''; {Field Name} End; End; Finally Dialog.Free; End; Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Function DlgDBTableName_ads( Var DatabaseName : String; {Database Name} Var TableName : String {Table Name} ): Boolean; Var DataField : String; {Field Name} Title : String; {stores the Dialog Title} DataFieldMode : Boolean; {True if this is a Datafield Dialog} Begin Result := False; ProcName := 'DlgDBTableName_ads'; Try DataField := ''; Title := 'Select a Table'; DataFieldMode := False; Result := DlgDB_Tbl_Fld_Detail_ads( DatabaseName , {Database Name} TableName , {Table Name} DataField , {Field Name} Title , {stores the Dialog Title} DataFieldMode {True if this is a Datafield Dialog} ); Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; //Unit Description UnitIndex Master Index
Function DlgDBFieldName_ads( Var DatabaseName : String; {Database Name} Var TableName : String; {Table Name} Var DataField : String {Field Name} ): Boolean; Var Title : String; {stores the Dialog Title} DataFieldMode : Boolean; {True if this is a Datafield Dialog} Begin Result := False; ProcName := 'DlgDBFieldName_ads'; Try Title := 'Select a Field'; DataFieldMode := True; Result := DlgDB_Tbl_Fld_Detail_ads( DatabaseName , {Database Name} TableName , {Table Name} DataField , {Field Name} Title , {stores the Dialog Title} DataFieldMode {True if this is a Datafield Dialog} ); Except On E : Exception Do RaiseError(UnitName,ProcName,E); End; End; Initialization UnitName := 'ads_DlgDBFieldName'; ProcName := 'Unknown'; End. //