The Moody chart is based on the solutions to the Colebrook equation; this calculator uses Newton's method for finding zeros to solve the Colebrook equation.
![]() Colebrook equation |
![]() Newton's method |
![]() Friction factor for laminar flow |
Fully rough flow is when increasing the Reynolds number of a turbulent flow no longer affects the friction factor. Unlike laminar flow, the friction factor of fully rough flow depends only on the relative roughness of a pipe. In this case the friction factor can be expressed explicitly as a function of relative roughness using the von Kármán equation. For convenience, a variable x will be defined as the inverse square root of the friction factor, and this will be used for the remainder of this explanation.
![]() |
![]() von Kármán equation for fully rough flow |
![]() Prandtl equation
![]() Form of Prandtl equation for Newton's method |
![]() Colebrook equation
![]() Form of Colebrook equation for Newton's method |
![]() S. H. Haaland relationship
![]() Newton's method
function moody(Re (Reynolds Number), rel_e (Relative roughness (e/D)), n (iterations (optional))) begin if Re = 0 (no flow) then return "infinity" if Re <=2300 (Laminar Flow condition) then return 64/Re; if Re < 4000 (Transition Flow, this cannot be accurately calculated) then return "transition flow" (Turbulent Flow conditions) var x (x = f^(-1/2)) if Re = Infinity (fully rough flow) then begin if rel_e = 0 then return 0 else x=-2.0*log10(rel_e/3.7) (Von Karman equation) return 1/(x^2) (f = 1/x^2) end equation y (y = 0, this is used in Newton's method to find x), y' (y'= dy/dx) var A (A = (e/D)/3.7), B (B = 2.51/Re ) B = 2.51/Re if rel_e = 0 (smooth pipe flow) then begin A = 0 y(x) = "x+2*log10(B*x)" (y = Prandtl equation = 0) y'(x) = "1+2/(x*ln10)" end else if rel_e > 0 (typical turbulent pipe flow) then begin A = rel_e/3.7 y(x) = "x+2*log10(A+B*x)" (y = Colebrook equation =0) y'(x) = "1+2*(B/ln10)/(A+B*x)" end if n is undefined then n = 3 (default # of iterations for Newton's Method) x = -1.8*log10((6.9/Re)+A^1.11) (S.E. Haaland equation (initial guess)) for var i from 1 to n (Newton's Method) x = x-y(x)/y'(x) return 1/(x^2) (f = 1/x^2) end |
It is important to recognize the code above requires the ability to evaluate a string as an equation. This is not convenient to do in most programming languages. Also for real world situations (i.e. 0<Re<∞ and 0≤ε/D<1) the friction factor only needs to be evaluated from the laminar flow relationship or Colebrook equation. I only added these other cases for completeness, but the pseudocode above can be simplified to the pseudocode below for simple accurate real world calculations.
function moody(Re (Reynolds Number), rel_e (Relative roughness (e/D)), n (iterations (optional))) begin if Re <=2300 (Laminar Flow) then return 64/Re; if Re < 4000 (Transition Flow, this cannot be accurately calculated) then return "transition flow" (Turbulent Flow) var x (x = f^(-1/2)), y (y = 0, this is used in Newton's method to find x), y' (y'= dy/dx), A (A = (e/D)/3.7), B (B = 2.51/Re ) A = rel_e/3.7 B = 2.51/Re if n is undefined then n = 3 (default # of iterations for Newton's Method) x = -1.8*log10((6.9/Re)+A^1.11) (S.E. Haaland equation (initial guess)) for var i from 1 to n (Newton's Method) begin y = x+2*log10(A+B*x) (y = Colebrook equation =0) y' = 1+2*(B/ln10)/(A+B*x) x = x - y/y' end return 1/(x^2) (f = 1/x^2) end |
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns I can be contacted at