Engineering Tools:
Gravity -An applet that calculates and displays
the positions of gravitational bodies using Newton's laws of motion and gravitation.
(Requires Java)
Lubricating Film -Computes the viscous shears and
pressures produced by lubricating films in bearings of various geometries.
(Requires Java)
Steam Properties -Calculates the properties of water and
steam using the IAPWS-IF97 formulation.
Cooling Tower Design -Designs a cooling tower
based on the local wet bulb temperature and the temperature and flow rate of
the cooling water.
Condenser -Calculates the temperature rise in
cooling water necessary to condense steam into liquid water.
Flow Solver -Calculates the head loss, flow rate, or
required diameter for a section of pipe with any length, temperature of water
and material roughness.
Moody Chart Calculator -Uses the Colebrook
equation and Newton's
method to efficiently calculate friction factors.
Cubic Spline Interpolation -Interpolates data
from user inputted data points using cubic spline interpolation. The page
uses innerHTML to dynamically add and remove data fields.
Simple Calculator -A simple calculator program made
to experiment with JavaScript.